Product Management
We came across this post a week or so ago and decided we’d re-post it since we think it gives a pretty good description of what product management is, why you need product management in your business and what a product manager does on a day to day basis.We’re always being asked by friends and family alike just what being a “product manager” really means and it’s confusing for them because we don’t work with physical product but we manage digital products. As this article points out, some organisations have many people doing different facets of the role, but that’s a mistake.
You need one individual who owns the entire product vision and is therefore able to see the macro, whilst being deep down in the micro detail. An individual who is market facing, whilst customer centric. An individual who is as involved with sales as they are with tech. Basically an oxymoron.
It’s a long article, but a great read and you should definitely persevere until the end.